Research Article

Art Redefined: AI’s Influence on Traditional Artistic Expression


In this article, we embark on a journey exploring the impact of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) on various art forms such as painting, sculpture,
photography, and illustration. The beginning of this document serves
as a brief overview, covering the historical evolution of AI in the art
world and discussing theories at the intersection of AI and traditional
artistic practices. It also provides a thorough examination of case studies,
showcasing artists, who have integrated AI techniques into their usual
mediums. The investigation closely looks at the use of AI and discerns
differences in approaches among these artists.
Moreover, we have conducted a detailed inquiry into the ethical and sociocultural
implications of the AI integration in traditional art, touching
on concerns about authorship, ownership, and cultural appropriation.
The discussion extends to the impact on the art market and the industry.
This exploration encompasses the various aspects that AI introduces to
conventional art forms.
Regarding illustration, the piece delves into the use of AI algorithms,
guiding the creation of digital artworks and supporting artists in the
creative process. Notably, these algorithms play a crucial role in illustration,
prompting discussions about originality, creative innovation,
and AI as a tool to enhance artistic creativity.
The conclusion summarizes key findings, resonating not only in the art
world but also having broader implications for the visual arts and media
industry. The intersection of AI and traditional art forms presents both
opportunities and challenges, poised to reshape the landscape of creative
expression and artistic endeavor.


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art forms ethical implications sociocultural implications authorship ownership cultural appropriation art market industry digital artworks creative expression