Research Article

Transformation of the Poster as a Medium Through Virtual Reality Technology


Poster as a medium of change has transformed its functionality many
times, adapting or following changes, but new tendencies have requested
a proper transformation due to the advanced development of Virtual
Reality, NFT’s and the upcoming ‘Metaverse’ in order to preserve the
so-called “universal communication vehicle”. How can designers integrate
in a complex system of virtual technological tendencies in order to tackle
the present and forthcoming future? Should old myths be dethroned,
old educational methods upgraded, and societies prepared, since the
new generations are already aware of the new industrial revolution.
|The key part of the process of design is to externalize thinking and
feelings, especially the invisible, intangible, apparently abstract ones.
The process of making, thinking and feeling visibly has proved to be a
pivotal component of design synthesis, especially when much of the
design practices, teaching and learning happen virtually. I will share the
act of reflection, using visual thinking tools, for inspiring a collaborative
sense-making and way-finding. How can a complex layered research
process lead to further visual possibilities in order to project the future
of social design? The simultaneous act of constructing images and
deconstructing visual metaphors can become a path-finding creative
action preceded and followed by critical reflection.
This research art project will provide a state-of-the-art on the use of the
process of making, thinking and feeling visibly that has proved to be
a pivotal component of design synthesis, especially when much of the
design practices, teaching and learning happen virtually. Virtual poster
in virtual cultural communication, reality, functionality and usability.


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graphic design poster virtual reality visual communication mass communication social design visual thinking interactive art collaborative design