Lenka Sýkorová

  • Slovakia

Lenka Sýkorová, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (1977, Prague) is an art historian, critic and curator of contemporary fine art. She studied the History of Art at the Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague, received her PhD (2012) and Associate Professor (2022) from the Faculty of Art and Design of the J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. She has been the curator of the Altán Klamovka Gallery in Prague since 2004. She is the creator of the project Action Galleries. More information can be found at actiongalleries.info. Since 2014 she has been focused on the medium – drawing. More information in the book Postkonceptuální přesahy v české kresbě (Post-conceptual Overlaps of Czech Drawing). She is the co-author of the project Virtual Biennial Prague focusing on the International author's poster in the field of social topics. Curator of exhibitions in the Czech Republic - The Brno House of Arts, 2016, Regional Gallery of Highlands in Jihlava, 2017, Regional Gallery in Liberec, 2018–2019, in Slovakia - Ján Koniarek Gallery in Trnava, Synagogue - Center for Contemporary Art, 2017 and in China - Pingyao Modern Engineering Technology School Gallery, Pingyao, Shanxi, 2018. She lectured at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Brno University of Technology in the years 2009–2011. She has been active in the Department of the History and Theory of Art in the Faculty of Art and Design of the J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem since 2009. In the years 2018–2019 she graduated six-month research mobility within the project U21 – Quality Human Resources for Strengthening the International Environment at the Academy of Fine Art and Design in Bratislava, Slovakia. In autumn 2019 she led lectures and workshops at four Academies of Fine Arts in China with focusing on drawing and graphic design. She regularly publishes in periodical and other publications (Flash Art, Artalk).