Research Article

Avant-garde Movement in Landscape Design


The avant-garde movement in landscape design is an expression of
revolutionary and innovative approach to creation of spatial solutions.
This movement uses different artistic techniques, shapes, colors and
materials to create interesting and unique landscapes.
Landscape design refers to the profession that deals with creation of
spatial solutions for open spatial concepts of parks and gardens.
The avant-garde movement creates dynamics with art techniques where
they produce revolutionary landscapes.
Landscape designers have an obligation to subtly educate society about
the values of creating striking and intuitive work. It is important for
the designer to have something to say in his expression. Developing
the concept of design that tends to become innovation is of great
importance. The more the concept for landscape design is innovative,
the greater are the chances for better innovative visual interpretation.
Success in interpreting the concept in the work, largely depends on the
talent of the designer.
Keywords: landscape design, art, avant-garde, space, animal environment


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landscape design art avant-garde space animal environment